A Note on these Resources
The following list contains links to webpages, videos, and other internet resources. These links are roughly grouped into weeks corresponding to the Detailed Reading Schedule. This list is only irregularly maintained.
Week 1 - Animal Religions?
Week 1 - History of World Religions
Week 1 - Religious Change
Week 1 - Religion Websites
Week 2 - Ancient Polytheisms
- The Olympic Gods and Goddesses
- Yoruba Polytheism
- Norse Polytheism
- The Cthulhu Mythos
Week 3 - Plato / Stoicism
- Plato - Cosmological Argument - Handout
- Stoicism
Week 4 - Neoplatonism
Week 5 - The Man in the Sky
Week 5 - Medieval
Week 5 - Ontological Argument
Week 7 - First Cause Arguments
Week 9 - Organic Design Arguments
Week 10 - The Game of Life
Week 10 - The Divine Computer (Simulated Universe)
Week 10 - Omega Point
Week 11 - Modal Polytheism
Week 12 - Wicca & Neopaganism
Week 13 - Anzaldua "Now let us shift..."
Week 13 - African Mask Dances
Week 14 - Ayahuasca Religion
Week 15 - Spiritual Atheism
Week 15 - Pastafarianism
Week 15 - New Age
Week 16 - Modern Stoicism
Week 16 - Burning Man